Calculate and visualise your
cost forecast. Easy to use.

Easily create forecasts in minutes with CostFrame's powerful features. Track the evolution of your cost forecasts over time as your project progresses. Plot performance against budgets. Straightforward collaboration with others in your team.

Easy creation of reliable, transparent, repeatable cost forecasts

Forecast in the way that best suits your particular project settings.

  • Forecasting Methods

    CostFrame incorporates both committed cost and cost-to-date forecasting methods. Time-based forecasting is a variant of the cost-to-date method.

  • Rates

    Use standard or bespoke rates in your forecasts. Standard rates can be securely controlled centrally within a project.

  • Time phasing

    Input dates against your forecast line-items to create accurate time phasing of the cost to complete. Or, if appropriate, simply enter a start and end date at the cost account level – it’s up to you.

  • Project Performance

    Ability to input progress quantities to calculate earned value. Compare value against cost to track your project’s cost performance to date.

  • Capture Commentary

    Fields are available to capture critical comments about period movements, gain or loss against budget or key assumptions that underpin the forecast.

Visualise your forecast on a dashboard

Data is aggregated into simple, clear dashboards. This can be filtered for cost-account owners, zones or disciplines within the project or displayed as whole-of-project.

  • How is the forecast tracking over time?

    Shows a histogram of past costs and future forecast costs through to the end of the project. Cost budget is also shown to compare forecast against budget.

  • What level of contingency is being held?

    Contingency is shown as a total amount and as a percentage of the cost to complete. Understand if your contingency levels are proportionally increasing, decreasing or staying steady.

  • Track the basis of forecast

    Understand the breakdown of the basis of your forecast. How many cost accounts are forecasting budget vs. progressed design vs. in-delivery. This gives you an insight as to how developed your forecast is.

Drill-down through levels of data. Export reports.

Seamlessly move up and down levels of detail in your forecast. This can be done via project data tables or using graphical click-thru functionality on dashboards and charts.

  • Chart information

    Chart historical information next to future forecast information. Visually detect step-changes at any level of aggregated data, or right down to cost account level

  • Project data

    Underlying project data can be explored. Show only the parameters you wish to see by using the check boxes. Drill right through the data to show the most granular information, as well as any relevant comments that can be recorded as the project progresses. At the most granular level, the history of each recorded data point can be displayed.

  • Reporting

    A series of structured reports can be exported to spreadsheets in order to aid analysis and reporting.

Secure and trusted cloud tool

CostFrame lives in the cloud, making online collaboration with your team members quick and easy. It is part of the ControlPro suite of online project controls tools which are secure and trusted on many large and small projects throughout Australia.

  • Secure cloud tool

    CostFrame deploys state-of-the-art security measures to keep your data safe at all times.

  • Trusted by the top tier

    CostFrame is a ControlPro tool. ControlPro is deployed on over $20BN of live projects in Australia right now. It is trusted by several of the largest tier-one contractors in the construction industry.

Ready to Get Started with the Project Managers' Cost Forecasting Tool?

Sign up for a FREE account to see a demo project.

CostFrame can be used as a stand alone product or as part of the ControlPro suite.

For more details see